Back Pain


According to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain affects 50% of working Americans every year, and may affect up to 80% of the American population at some point in their lives! This is a staggering amount of people. Chronic back pain is the number one cause of missed work in the United States. Not only are back pain sufferers often not able to work, but their pain also negatively impacts their lives outside of work as well. Here, at Seattle Wellness Group, we have seen our patients make great strides in lessening their back pain. Our goal is to free your life of chronic back pain, and go on to lead a happy, healthy life! Imagine: living a life free of pain!

To help avoid back injuries and back pain, try these helpful tips:

  • Consume a healthy, well-balanced diet

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Avoid prolonged sitting and consider a sit/stand desk for work

  • Engage in aerobic exercise and strength training activities

  • Perform a sufficient warm-up before activity

  • Maintain proper posture

  • Wear appropriate footwear

  • Practice safe lifting techniques

  • Quit smoking

From sleeping, working, or simply trying to enjoy a relaxing evening with your family, back pain can significantly affect your quality of life. When you experience chronic pain, your quality of life, as well as your ability to perform your usual activities, is hindered. Some back issues can leave you feeling weak and sometimes even hopeless. We have found time and time again that Chiropractic care can significantly reduce your back pain.

The more you understand what’s causing your back pain, the more quickly we can address those issues and work towards eliminating your back pain.

Causes of back pain can include:

  • Overuse Injuries

  • Leg Length Inequality

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Spinal Stenosis

  • Fracture

  • Herniated Disc

  • Overly Tight Muscles, Joints and Ligaments

  • Poor Posture

  • Traumatic Injuries

Getting To Your Best Self

Seattle Wellness Group is home to the some of the foremost leading back pain specialists in the Seattle area. Dr. Nadeem Bajwa, Dr. Mei Ling Robin, and acupuncturist Tieyan Shang combine a variety of treatment techniques to help you maintain a healthy spine.

When you come to the Seattle Wellness Group, we initially perform a thorough evaluation for each injury and condition you are struggling with to make sure we understand the cause of your pain and how it is impacting your lifestyle.

Our treatments for back pain may include:

  • Manual therapy—Occasional adjustments, combined with soft tissue rehabilitation, designed to restore normal movement and position of vertebrae.

  • Soft tissue rehabilitation—Noninvasive therapies designed to return tight or damaged soft tissues in the back and neck to regular motion, including Massage Therapy, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, stretching, and strength and range-of-motion exercises.

  • Home care—Personalized programs that are designed to help speed recovery and improve posture. We provide postural education and active range of motion exercises as well as education for the use of ice packs and nutritional supplements that may be helpful.


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8:00 am - 6:00 pm


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9:00 am - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


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By appointment only


8:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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By appointment only